Wednesday, June 7, 2017

my own Rules for Success

My own Rules for Success 

1. be yourself and do not imitate nobody

2. ignore bad comments

3. work hard


4. be patience with others

5. make a choice 
6. do not be cocky
7. commit to your goal
8. think globally 
9. improve yourself 
10. be friendly

Class evaluation

Class Evaluation 
1. The things that i like about this class is the new programs we were using during this semester, also when the teacher gave us free time to do whatever we want to do. Also i like when we do the gallery walk.
2. The things that i do not like about this class is that when the teacher want us to talk to the class and gave examples. Also i do not like that we repeat doing the same thing.
3. Do different things everyday, do more programs, more projects.
4.  The highlight for this class was when i did the game for the program and then we do the gallery walk. 
5. Yes i do really do my best in this class doing on time my work.
6. Yes sometimes i read it  because i want to reach my goals but sometimes i get distracted or i get sleepy.
7. yes i committed to be a CTR person because i am a competitive person and also a responsible student.

Monday, June 5, 2017

10 rules for success

10 Rules for Success
By Stephan Curry

1. Visualize your goals 
2. Be the hardest working person 
3. Stay confident 
4. Do it your way 
5. Be creative 
6. Stay in the moment 
7. Better yourself everyday 
8. Have an upbeat personality 
9. Be the  best version of yourself 
10. Actions speak louder than words 

these ten rules for success by Stephan curry are important because make you a better person but you need to be you ignore other people do it your way visualize what you want, do not try to be like others just be yourself have fun and live the moment. don't be cookie with the people you need to stay humble and be the best version of yourself to be a better person. you demonstrate a better person by showing and not talking. 

Thursday, June 1, 2017

10 Rules for Success

10 Rules for Success
 by Cristiano Ronaldo

1. Just play 
2. Be competitive
3. Always take on new Challenges
4. Know your priorities 
5. People will judge you 
6. Work hard
7. Believe you are the best 
8. Play for the team
9. Enjoy the moments 
10. Have a sense of humor 

Reflection: The ten rules for success by Cristiano Ronaldo is important because it make you a better person a positive person and make you fallow your goals in life. you need to enjoy whatever you doing and just do it. also is important because make you believe in yourself think that you are the best and the things you do is going to be good.

Monday, May 1, 2017

10 Seeds of Greatness

10 Seeds of Greatness 

The Seed of Self-Esteem ( Appreciate the value of yourself)  
"From Self-love to the Self-worth"
 self-esteem is how we value ourselves, it is how we perceive our value to the world and how valuable we think we are to others. Self-esteem affects our trust in others, our relationships, our work-nearly every part of our lives. positive self-esteem gives us the strength and flexibility to take charge of our lives and grow from our mistakes without to fear of rejection. Feelings of low self-esteem often build up over a lifetime, and letting go of ingrained feelings and behaviors is not an easy task. it may take time, hard work, and it may require professional counseling. But there are some simple, positive thinking techniques that can be used to help improve self-esteem. These are called affirmations.

The Seed of Creativity "Realizing your creative energy"  
Creativity simple means to come up with something new, if you can do that, not only can you enrich your own personal life, but you'll have an advantage in whatever field you enter. you just need to recognize your creativity. also creativity means think outside of the box, some people are naturally more creative than others,but creative thinking can be strengthened with practice. you can practice creative thinking by solving riddles, by becoming aware of and letting go of your assumptions, and through play anything unstructured and relaxing. creative people can devise new way to carry out tasks. solve problems and meet challenges. 

The Seed of Responsibility "Whatever we sow, we rear"

responsibility in order to satisfy it. For example, in a family situation, one of the children may be given the responsibility of taking care of the family pet. The exact guidelines of what has to be done to take care of the pet should be clearly laid out so that the child knows exactly what the responsibility involves and can fulfill it satisfactorily. Shirking responsibilities usually involves some sort of consequences. For the child not doing his duty of caring for the pet, a parent may deny access to television or video games for a certain period of time.

The Seed of Wisdom "A large vocabulary--which implies broad, general knowledge--characterizes the more successful persons, regardless of their occupations."

Wisdom is most commonly referred to as a characteristic in a person who acts using common sense, experience and understanding. Wisdom is something that is gained over a long period of time. In classical literature, those who are wise are typically very old, very calm and very intelligent. Wisdom can mean that an individual has a lot of knowledge on one or a multitude of subjects, or simply that one knows how to act when in a certain situation.

The Seed of Purpose " the gold mine in your goals"
most of the people set a goals i their business or professional life, but don't take time to set goals in their personal life
finding and clarifying your life purpose and core life indentations can help you  to move with greater focus and clarity every day of your life. There are many ways to both find and develop your life purpose and intentions. Purpose is a bigger word. Purpose is is personal and is who you are. In business terms, purpose is all about your mission. Every person , team , organization needs a reason for being. When we lack purpose , we don't know what we're doing. Lacking is a goal is less serious, but still matters. A goal is something we strive for that should be aligned with our purpose. Reaching our goal will help us accomplish our purpose.

The Seed of Communication "Reach out and touch someone" 

Communication is about more than just exchanging information. It's about understanding the emotion and intentions behind the information. Effective communication is also a two-way street. It’s not only how you convey a message so that it is received and understood by someone in exactly the way you intended, it’s also how you listen to gain the full meaning of what’s being said and to make the other person feel heard and understood.

The Seed of Faith "The power of positive believing"
Faith is not only religious but also it refers to a relationship we all have with knowledge. When someone believes in something that is not the reasonable and logical thing to assume, they use the word "faith" to defend themselves. You have to have trust or confidence in someone or something. You have to have faith and be confidence about your goals and one day you will accomplish them because you are having faith and being patient and having a positive mind. Faith shows the reality of what we hope for it is evidence of things we cannot see.

The Seed of Adaptability "Turning problems into opportunities"
Being willing and able to adapt your behavior increases your ability to communicate and build relationships with other people. our level of adaptability can be stronger in some situations than others. For example, we tend to be more adaptable at work with people we know less, and less adaptable at home with people we know better. Developing your adaptability allows you to understand how different types of people would like to be treated. It does not mean imitating the other person’s behavior. It does mean adjusting your behavior to be more in line with the other person’s preferences.         

The Seed of Perseverance "The will to win is everything"
Perseverance is the ability and self control that pushes you to work through challenges. Having perseverance means that when you are facing a challenge, you use your mind and your body to overcome it. Perseverance means you are able to wait and work through difficulties, whether they have to do with your mind, your body, or your emotions. Sometimes we work hard and don’t meet our goals, but knowing we did the best we could do gives us a sense of pride and self confidence. If you had quit, not only would you definitely not have made the team, but you wouldn't even have had the satisfaction of knowing you tried your hardest. Instead of feeling the pride of having done your best, you would have felt the emptiness of not even trying. 

The Seed of Perspective "Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude."
 perspective is an approach to psychology that emphasizes empathy and stresses the good in human behavior. In politics and social theory, this approach calls for human rights and equality. In counseling and therapy, this approach allows an psychologist to focus on ways to help improve an individual’s self-image or self-actualization – the things that make them feel worthwhile. 

The ten seed of greatness is important because this skills help you in your life becoming a better person, this can help by combining positive attitude with the natural abilities, to choose goals and follow steps to attain them, to build on your self-reliance, and so enhance your self-esteem, to make the right decisions, to understand others & be understood by others, to overcome feelings of unworthiness, and to set & achieve higher goals.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Ten Tips for Being more Truthful

Ten Tips for Being more Truthful

Barbara A. Lewis

Wife, Mother, Religious worker, national award-winning author and educator
The Ten Tips

  1. Make a commitment to tell the truth.
  2. Tell someone about your commitment.
  3. Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason.
  4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.
  5. Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it.
  6. Don't indulge in little white lies.
  7. Watch out for silent lies.
  8. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.
  9. Talk to yourself.
  10. Treat yourself when you tell the truth 

  The first two tips for being more truthful are to make a commitment to tell the truth and tell someone about your commitment. This is very important because it shows that you are serious about becoming more truthful with yourself. Being truthful means you always tell the truth and when you do that more people will have faith in you because you never lie and they will trust you. It is very important to know the extend  of your sarcasm because you might take it too far without knowing. You have to also be very careful when you use exaggeration and irony because they can hurt peoples feels. It is always important to tell the truth about everything. If you leave part of the truth out then you are being dishonest and if you twist the truth you are making a lie that can hurt people.  If you always tell the truth about everything people will know that you are honest and you will like you more as a person because they know that you can be trusted. Once people know that you can be trusted they will have confidence that you will keep a secret and always tell the truth no matter what.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Spring Break

Spring Break 

My spring break was alright, i went two or three times to Disneyland and California Adventure and i like it, my girlfriend take me to the rides that she like, i really have fun in the roller coaster  i was nervous because was my first time that i get into a roller coaster, i was screaming like a crazy gay. Also i went to the park to practice with my dad and my brothers and we practice a lot to play good this Sunday that past, and yes yesterday we won the game because we play really good. i watched the movie Logan was a good movie but in the end i didn't like it because Logan die.