How to win Friends and Influence people
Six ways to Make people like you. If you want people to like you.......
Rule 1: Become genuinely interested in other people.

you don't take a moment and think about what genuine interest means. It's genuine interest, that's real interest in the person or subject matter the person is discussing. There is a set of things you are really interested in that is very tied into your feelings. This is not something you can change in few minutes, or even over the period of months or years. you just can't have genuine interest when you're not interested.
Rule 2: Smile
The smile on my face doesn't mean my life is mean i appreciate what i have and what god has blessed me with.Make someone smile whenever you can, you never know how much a difference you could be making in their life at that moment.Smile is best way to face your problems, to crush every fear,to hide every pain.
Rule 3: Remember Names

Before going to a meeting or a party or anywhere you going to meet people, remind yourself your commitment and recommit yourself. " i will make my best to remember the names of the people i meet.listen to the person's name if you miss it or find a few seconds later that you've already forgotten it, " i'm sorry i miss your name, can you give it to me again?. repetition helps engrave the name in your memory: Use the name immediately, repeat it silently to yourself, comment on the name , if possible, use it occasionally in the conversation without overdoing it, use it when leaving, write it down afterwards.
Rule 4: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
Good listening comes down to doing three things:1.not talking when others are speaking. 2. letting others know you're listening though facial expressions and verbal sounds.3 being able to repeat what others have said.encouraging listeners to remain quiet not and "mm-hmm" encouragingly, and then repeat back to the talker something like, "So, let me make sure i understand. What you're saying is ..." However, recent research that we conducted suggest that these behaviors fall far short of describing good listening skills.
Rule 5; Talk in terms of the other man's interest.
To be successful in a relationship, a person will need to learn to talk in terms of the other person's interests. This rule holds true in many instances from social situations where are meeting someone for the very first time.we cannot achieve this if we have no idea what the other person truly values, cares about or is really interested in.Let the other person do most of the talking by asking questions and them listening to them actively and connecting with them at the level of what they value. you should have a genuine interest in the other person. Then, and only then, can you sincerely talk in terms of the others person's interest.
Rule 6: Make the other person feel important-- and do it sincerely.
There's a big difference between appreciating people and making feel significant. Of course, you want to appreciate others. But even more than that, you need to make those important people in your life feel that they matter. Write the names of the people special in your life, and write something most important to them. Accept people the way they are, pay attention to others.